Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Miranda Jane caird art work

this week we have been basing are art on Miranda Jane caird we have been sketching the outline of the views around Moana then we drew chalk the out lines after that we got some pastels and blended some colours in all the blank gaps you had to cover everything in pastel except for the chalked lines once you had done that you had to get some black inc and put it on the chalked lines this is some of my work and Miranda Jane caird's work .                                                       
                                                                                                                            Miranda Jane caird 

my art work


school camp 2019

these are my great memory's of the snow camp it was a lot of fun we played lots of fun games like

       marshmallow tower                                 basket head                                 around the world
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and a lot more my personal favourite was around the world because it got you energised and there was a lot of laughter everyone was having so much fun after we did all the games it was time to settle down we went into the lounge and played some bored games when it was time we had some dinner we had home made pizza it tasted alright. We had a really fun pillow fight a few minutes after are dinner we were blind folded and we made a circle around the to people that were about to have a pillow fight with there eyes closed.

                                                                                                                     chines whispers
       home mad pizza                                    pillow fight                   
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after all of this super fun games it was time to go to sleep and get ready to go skiing the next day. it was the next day and we woke up an 5:00 am in the morning no one got any sleep that night every one stayed up talking  we started getting ready to go as soon as we got to are rooms we ran and got in to our skiing gear and when to get out gear on. It took quite a wile to get the gear on and get going but as soon as i got on the ice i fell state away i had never been skiing before but it was awesome when you got the hang of it.

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after the amazing day of skiing it was time to go home there were also some amazing view's from mound chessman it was a great camp full of laughter and fun. 

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pendulum science project

Title: Pendulum Art               By: Bridget, Tara, Mary & Elsie 

Aim/Hypothesis: We thought that it would look like how it looked on the video.
We also thought that it would be easy and we would get it first try.

Method: First we got 2 chairs and then we put a 1 meter ruler and tied it  to the 2
chairs after that we got some string
and a paper cup and tied
that to the 1 meter ruler so it would hang down in the middle.
We put a hole in the bottom of the cup so the paint would come
out then we mixed pink and blue in the cup with someone holding
a piece of paper at the bottom of the cup so the paint wouldn't come out.
We had some newspaper at the bottom of the the good
paper that we were going to use. After that then we swung the
cup on to the paper and it turned out like this.  


Results:  On our first attempt the cup was a foot away from the ground. 
It was quite messy and unorganised, the string was every and didn’t end up like the ones
in the videos. Once we let go of the string to let it swing and do it’s thing, it just ended up
doing blotches of polka dots.  It wasn’t flowing properly and it ended up looking like a mess.
Our second attempt was a little bit better, but wasn’t what we wanted. It had the same problem
as our last attempt, polka dot blotches and no improvement. For our third attempt we decided to
change the pendulum by sticking a pencil through the cup and adding a bigger hole. 
We secured the string to the ruler and it seemed to work wonders.
We aced it at the third attempt. 

Conclusion: Overall in the end it turned looking pretty cool. It took a couple of tries to get it right but we got it in the end and it worked.  Next time to make it successful we should do the same process as third attempt, but make the hole slightly smaller.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019