Sunday, January 5, 2020

Day 1, Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

For this activity, please select a charity that you are interested in. On your blog, write a short explanation of what the charity does.

I am interested in the Red Cross charity as they help others, no matter what their background,  religion, or ethnicity is. I was brought up in the United Arab Emirates and over there they have the equivalent, the Red Crescent. The Red Cross provides First aid training, they support people affected by natural disasters as well support people involved in domestic violence, abuse or poverty. The Red Cross is a big organisation where you can see the funds raised going to good causes. Some charities use colour printing on fancy paper, and this puts me right off supporting them as I don't believe there is a need to spend money on this. 
Image result for red cross


  1. Good morning!

    Well done on this post Elsie! You have done a really good job of finding information about the Red Cross charity. Thank you for adding so much detail!

    I haven’t heard of the Red Crescent before. Thank you for teaching me about them! I think that it is nice to know that all over the world there are amazing charities like the Red Cross and Red Crescent helping people.

    You have given so much information about what the Red Cross do! Did you already know lots of information about the Red Cross?

    Nice work on this post! Until next time.

    Matilda :)

  2. good afternoon!

    I do know about the red crescent because in the United Arab Emirates we did a lot of fun raisers at our school and we donated lot of things and talked about it to see how we could help the red crescent.

    Elsie :)

    1. Hey Elsie!

      That is really cool that your school was able to help them so much! Did you enjoy the fund raisers?

      Matilda :)

  3. good morning!

    I loved to fund raisers for the red crescent and other's it is so much fun to do bake sails and much more and raise all this money for the red crescent.


    Elsie :)


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