Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day 2 Activity 2: School Strike for Climate 
week 2

For this activity, we would like you to explore the School Strike for Climate Australia website.
On your blog, list three facts (things) that you learned, and include a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elsie!

    Well done with this post Elsie! It looks like you have learnt a lot about this website. Can you tell me about some of the facts you have learnt about climate change? What are some causes of it? What are the impacts of climate change? Go back to the website and let me know what you find!

    Riding your bike, and doing your dishes by hand are all really amazing ways you and your family help! Awesome work! Do you know of any ways that other people are helping our environment? I know that some people have stopped using plastic, and some people have stopped driving. Do you know of any other ways that some people help? I’d love to hear of them!

    Nice work on this activity so far! I'll be waiting to see what facts you find out!

    Matilda :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.