Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day 2 activity 3: “I Have a Dream” 
week 2 

For this activity, please consider the problem that black men and women faced in America at this time.
On your blog, describe the problem. What did Rosa Parks do about the problem? How did other people react?


  1. Hi Elsie
    This is another great post from you well done. I like how you have used the colours black and white because it is activity related. You have done an amazing job of retelling what happened well done.
    Keep it up

  2. Hey Elsie!

    Nice work with the Summer Learning journey so far! I hope you’re enjoying it!

    You have done well to find out this information about the problems Rosa Parks faced. She was such an incredible woman. It must have taken so much courage to stand up for herself the way she did.

    Where did you get the information for this post from? If you are getting help from the internet, please make sure you writing it into your own words! I know it can be really hard sometimes! But I’d prefer to read what you have to say on these topics, rather than read something taken from the internet :)

    Your posts so far have been really good! I’m enjoying reading what you have to say for each activity!

    Matilda :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.